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天王icp开盘即巅峰 为何暴跌95%多依旧看好?分析第三代区块链DFINITY的优势与前景 - 知乎

天王icp开盘即巅峰 为何暴跌95%多依旧看好?分析第三代区块链DFINITY的优势与前景 - 知乎切换模式写文章登录/注册天王icp开盘即巅峰 为何暴跌95%多依旧看好?分析第三代区块链DFINITY的优势与前景Crypto领航员kol给大家分享一个币圈实力项目:icp可以关注下。作为快被人遗忘的「天亡级」项目icp,一出生就被各大交易所青睐,三大交易所+Coinbase一夜之间同时上线。下面这张图非常有趣,也说明了icp的决心,他要成为继比特币和以太坊的第三代区块链协议。然而期望太大,开盘即巅峰,从此再也没起来过。ICP互联网计算机协议是从519开始以来遭受重创的项目之一。在大盘看跌情绪的推动下,该项目比开盘价格下跌了 95% 以上。尽管这次崩盘,我却仍然看好ICP。下跟大家分析下具体原因。icp这个项目是跟以太坊同时期成立的,但是一直迟迟不上线,一直被称为鸽王。很多早期参与一级市场的小伙伴估计把这个项目都忘记了。但是有一个事实我们要知道早期参与icp投资者的筹码价格非常低,包括投资机构,公募私募,即使跌了现在几十美金的价格,他们也都是获利的。你能想象几千美金的时候抛压会有多大吗?当然他们也付出了几年的时间成本这是他们应得的。icp的愿景是远大的,路子非常野,如果它能成功,将会是革命性的变化,所以个人认为还是很有必要在目前的价位埋伏的。icp最近的动态:上周的上海万向区块链峰会 DFINITY 作为主赞助方拥有大量露出的机会,自身生态也取得了一定的发展。目前 DFINITY 拥有 333 个节点、24 条子链,生态方面共 76 个上线项目,更多收到 ICP 基金会援助的项目将于明年第一季度陆续上线。早前社区已通过的提案:ICP 将通过应用 Chainkey 加密技术直接整合比特币网络,为比特币网络提供智能合约支持,目前该技术已经完成早期开发进入安全测试阶段,预计明年年初上线,届时我们或将看到 DFINITY 生态的爆发。什么是icp( DFINITY)? 互联网计算机项目是一个由developed DFinity,一个总部设在瑞士的高科技企业创立的。该项目背后的核心思想是去中心化互联网并允许开发网络可扩展的智能合约。从本质上讲,它旨在消除作为互联网商务中间人的大型科技公司。该项目规模庞大但令人兴奋,不乏怀疑者或反对者。尽管如此,我们仍然保持乐观。DFinity经济模型名称: ICP(Internet Computer Protocol);数量: 469,213,710 ICP;总募资额:约1.95亿美元;ICP 主要有三个用途:一、质押锁仓,锁定用于开启「神经元」,开启的神经元拥有投票功能,这个环节任何都可以参加,参与投票就可以获得系统奖励,投票权重跟锁定的ICP的数量和时间正相关二、充值ICP到一个合约中,生成cycles,这个过程是单向的,生成的cycles在用户使用过程中被销毁,一定意义上造成ICP的通缩,这个环节主要对于创业者、开发者。三、DFINITY 为了保证网络有足够的计算能力,对节点会有专业的设备要求,门槛要远高于以太坊的节点运营,对数据中心也会有一定的奖励规则,通常需要质押一定的ICP来保障节点的稳定才能参与挖矿。DFinity前景在区块链圈中,一个项目的好坏可以从多个维度评价,团队背景、项目愿景、底层技术、应用层、社区、价格。对于大多数人来说,前边5个选项好坏的最终直接表现就是价格高低。icp就是这样一个项目刚上线价格可能被炒作的虚高,是因为大家对他的期望过高。但是他的价值还未得到体现,则走出一路下行的价格态势。只有依赖团队、愿景、技术、社区的持续努力,才能实现价值价格的持续和提升,而icp正式在技术方面的专长,相信对于技术的突破会让icp的价值和价格实现突破,时间会给我们答案。发布于 2021-11-01 16:14区块链(Blockchain)比特币 (Bitcoin)Internet Computer(ICP)​赞同 10​​6 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请

ICP币成功高位接盘,请问我该怎么办? - 知乎

ICP币成功高位接盘,请问我该怎么办? - 知乎首页知乎知学堂发现等你来答​切换模式登录/注册网站备案网络内容服务商(ICP)电信增值业务ICP币成功高位接盘,请问我该怎么办?关注者6被浏览8,044关注问题​写回答​邀请回答​好问题​添加评论​分享​2 个回答默认排序AA老陈​ 关注ICP死亡螺旋的解法:来一次大暴跌!做为“天王”级项目ICP的共识也是比较强的,大家都认为ICP是个好币,但是就是不涨 我炒币这么久以来,听过最搞笑的一句话就是:当你没有钱的时候,就去做空ICP,十拿九稳,你就马上有钱了(玩笑话)每当我和币圈其他大佬聊天的时候,都说ICP怎么好,怎么好,怎么个WEB3,怎么个去中心化网络,但是这个币就是不涨,你说气不气,所以说,有的时候,光有技术是没有用的,在币圈,我一直认为,宣传是比技术更重要的一件事的牛逼当年是吹的最响的,后面巴掌打在脸上也是最响的按理来说,这么多的机构在后面撑着,不可能跌的那么快,哪曾想,熊市一来,机构先跑了,就留下小散户在里面接盘你看中机构的的实力,机构看中你的“资力”,资力就是你的本金。熊市一来,就成了跑得快的游戏,击鼓传花懂吗?你只要跑得稍微慢一点,就可能被埋在里面出不来了,如果想出来,只能忍痛割肉离场了说句真话,ICP在这半年的时间里你任何时候卖都是正确的选择,因为这半年里,ICP只有跌,跌,跌,一次像样的反弹都没有Token 价格和锁仓历史证明,再优越或独特的技术也无法弥补生态建设的乏力,自主网上线至今,ICP 生态的项目仍然处于「无人使用」的尴尬境地,进而陷入「生态匮乏→优秀项目外流→生态参与者进一步流失」的恶性循环有一种观点是,在 ICP 上市的几个小时内,它遭到了某些势力的价格操纵(ICP 创始人一直认为是 SBF 和 FTX 所为),ICP 市值随着 Token 价格不断推高,一度超过 2300 亿美元,仅次于 BTC 和 ETH 跃升至市值第三。然而随着拉盘行为结束,ICP 价格开始大幅回落,在短短的 6 周内,ICP 市值萎缩了 90%Token 的暴跌极大损害了 ICP 生态及 Dfinity 基金会的声誉,使得 ICP 遭到多方势力进一步攻击,这些空头加剧了 ICP 价格下跌的过程,使其远低于实际价值。(据说,一贯奉行长期主义的 a16z 目前已清仓 ICP)笔者在此并不打算对上述说法的真伪进行评价,仅提供给读者一个可能的观点(另一种有趣的观点认为,ICP 创始人 Dominic 的一系列让投资人反感的行为,是导致 ICP 被砸盘、生态被孤立的重要原因)。实际上,影响 Token 价格更多的是其锁仓机制——本意是避免早期投资者「砸盘」套现走人,但长达 8 年之久的锁仓周期带来的是「套牢」和针对质押生息资产的抛压 / 神经元解锁抛压,可参考下图:这种「越跌越卖,到一定价位卖的更厉害」的死亡螺旋严重阻碍了 ICP 的回弹以及生态发展,由于 Canister 本身的特性,使得 Defi 长期以来缺位于 ICP 生态(进而导致稳定币缺位),生态参与者大多数时间内只能持有 ICP Token 本身,坚定的 Holder 们会发现一个事实:自己在生态内的贡献所带来的回报还赶不上 Token 的贬值!理性人假设的博弈到此更进一步,散户和项目方转而奔向他们认为更有前途的公链生态(也带走了流动性),进一步减少链上燃烧的 Cycles 数量(即 ICP 数量),而锁仓 8 年的早期投资者们有心无力,也进入了「躺平」状态虽然可能会导致 Token 价格大量下跌,但笔者认为,如果想要尽快解决死亡螺旋,必须进行一次彻底的出清——即一次性解锁释放所有长期质押的神经元,充分释放流动性,维持现状越拖越久只能是剜肉生疮项目流失和存量循环所有缺乏用户和流动性注入的公链都不可避免陷入 rug 螺旋:项目跑路→散户信心和财务受损,离开生态→流动性进一步变差,正常项目方收益越来越少甚至无法获得收益→项目跑路总结其实我们不难理解 2021 年时大众对 Dfinity 的热捧,毕竟 ICP 团队中包含的密码学家数量,是所有公链项目中最多的,团队阵容也无比豪华:英特尔、IBM、Coinbase、Facebook、谷歌 wasm......同时,一票知名 VC 均是 ICP 的投资人,不乏 A16Z、Polychain、Multicoin 这样的顶级机构或许ICP死亡螺旋的解法:真的需要来一次大暴跌!持续更新中,喜欢+关注(公众号:老陈区块笔记)观看更多内容~欢迎志同道合的币圈人一起探讨~感谢阅读,喜欢的朋友可以点个赞关注哦,我们下期再见!如果想要一起交流,点击下方链接进群:发布于 2023-08-03 16:30​赞同 6​​添加评论​分享​收藏​喜欢收起​请勿拉闸​ 关注我600接的,580的时候睡着了没抛。两天后比特币暴跌,现在已经亏完卸载了。发布于 2021-05-16 07:51​赞同 5​​17 条评论​分享​收藏​喜欢收起​​

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Internet Computer(ICP) 币价,图表,市值以及其他指标 | CoinMarketCap

rnet Computer(ICP) 币价,图表,市值以及其他指标 | CoinMarketCap加密货币: 2.2M+交易所: 730市值: $2.69T2.47%24小时交易量: $162.74B20.87%占有率: 比特币: 51.8% 以太币: 17.2% ETH Gas费: 46 Gwei Fear & Greed: 91/100加密货币加密货币排名分类全球走势图历史记录Bitcoin ETFsLeaderboards热门最近添加领涨和领跌访问最多NFTNFT 总体统计数据热门收藏品即将进行的销售活动On Chain DataDEX 交易对Chain Ranking热门 DEX 交易对交易所现货衍生品DEX社区动态TopicsLives文章产品PRODUCTS转换器CMC LabsTelegram Bot广告Crypto API网站小组件CAMPAIGNSAirdrops钻石奖励学习和赚取CALENDARSICO日历活动日历学习新闻AcademyResearch视频词汇表减半倒计时:34天自选列表投资组合搜索/加密货币: 2.2M+交易所: 730市值: $2.69T2.47%24小时交易量: $162.74B20.87%占有率: 比特币: 51.8% 以太币: 17.2% ETH Gas费: 46 Gwei Fear & Greed: 91/100Internet Computer 价格 ICP¥99.29  3.81% (1天)Internet Computer兑换为CNY的图表Loading Data请耐心等待,我们正在加载图表数据 加入自选列表 Internet Computer统计数据市值 3.77%¥45,719,042,631#21交易量(24小时) 18.26%¥1,679,712,008#76交易量/市值(24小时) 3.67%流通供应量 460,462,408 ICP总供应量 515,584,949 ICP最大供应量 ∞完全稀释的市值 ¥51,192,127,337合约ICP: 官方链接网站白皮书GitHub社交媒体TwitterRedditDiscord评分  ·  基于2家机构的评分4.5   网络信息区块链浏览器支持的钱包UCID8916  ICP兑换为CNY的转换器ICPCNY价格表现24小时 最低价¥95.40最高价¥105.41历史高点May 10, 2021 (3 years ago)¥5,400.23-98.16%历史低点May 10, 2021 (3 years ago) 无数据查看历史数据热门程度加入自选列表的次数492,735x158th / 9.1K标签PlatformDistributed ComputingCollectibles & NFTs显示全部更多信息您是该项目的所有者吗? 更新代币信息 Loading Data请耐心等待,我们正在加载图表数据 Internet Computer community          Internet Computer markets全部CEXDEX现货永续合约期货所有交易对Loading data...Show full width免责声明:本页面可能包含联署营销链接。如果您访问任何此类联署营销链接,并且在这些联署营销平台上进行如注册或交易等操作,CoinMarketCap 将可获得报酬。请参阅《联署营销信息披露》。Internet Computer新闻                    关于Internet ComputerWhat is the Internet Computer and ICP?The Internet Computer blockchain incorporates a radical rethink of blockchain design, powered by innovations in cryptography. It provides the first “World Computer” blockchain that can be used to build almost any online system or service, including demanding web social media, without need for traditional IT such as cloud computing services. As such it can enable full end-to-end decentralization.Why Does the ICP token have value?The ICP token has three main utilities. Firstly, ICP provides a source of “cycles” that are burned to power computation (thus when ICP is converted to cycles, it disappears, creating deflationary pressure). Secondly, ICP can be staked in the permissionless Network Nervous System DAO that governs the Internet Computer blockchain, creating voting neurons that generate voting rewards. Thirdly, ICP plays the role of a store of value, for example allowing users to invest in decentralization sales run by web3 services.How Does the Internet Computer Work?The internet, which now connects nearly everybody and everything, runs on a network of special devices called routers. Some, like WiFi routers, are installed in homes, while others, which connect countries, are very specialized and expensive. The Internet Computer blockchain runs on a network of special computing devices called “node machines,” which are built to a variety of standards.Today, most Proof-of-Stake blockchains are hosted by “validator” nodes that are software instances often spun up on cloud computing services. The Internet Computer cannot be hosted in this way. It runs entirely on a sovereign network of dedicated node machines, which are installed in independent data centers by independent “node providers.”These node machines connect to each other using Internet Computer Protocol, or ICP, which is where the token gets its name from. The best moniker to describe the blockchain network model used by the Internet Computer is “Proof-of-Useful-Work”. The network has a governance system called the NNS, which can slash (‘eject”) node machines that fail to produce enough blocks and keep up with the network, which is why they need to be built to a standard specification.Internally, the Internet Computer network is composed of “subnet blockchains.” Each new subnet adds additional capacity to the network, which means it can host more smart contracts, computation and data. However, these subnets are invisible to the hosted smart contracts and users. This is because they are combined into a single logical blockchain using “chain key crypto.”Chain key crypto is unique to the Internet Computer. It enables subnet blockchains, and the overall Internet Computer blockchain produced, to have public “chain keys”. The blockchains cryptographically sign all their interactions, which can be validated using their chain keys. Valid signatures show that interactions have not been tampered with, and also that the blockchains are running correctly – without any need to download and check their blocks of transactions.Thanks to chain key crypto, the Internet Computer can combine its subnet blockchains into a single blockchain and scale limitlessly. However, chain key crypto also makes other things possible! For example, smart contracts on the Internet Computer can process HTTP requests and serve interactive web experiences directly to end-users. This is more secure than normal web serving because the smart contracts can sign the content they serve, which can be validated before it is shown to users, keeping them safe.Recently, chain key crypto has been used to make “Chain Key TX” functionality available to smart contract developers. This enables them to create signed transactions that run on other blockchains. For example, an Internet Computer developer can create bitcoin addresses, and send and receive bitcoin, directly on the Bitcoin ledger, without using insecure “bridge” services. Using this functionality, native Bitcoin DeFi can be created.The Internet Computer also provides many other features that are unique within blockchain. These include HTTP outcalls, which enable smart contracts to securely query other systems over the web, through its network consensus system, for example making it possible for smart contract software to securely obtain data such as crypto asset price feeds without using a trusted oracle service.The Internet Computer network is controlled and managed by a master subnet, which runs an advanced permissionless DAO called the Network Nervous System (NNS). This instructs the node machines how to structure the network. Nodes can verify that the instructions they have received from the NNS are genuine just by checking the chain key signature, since its chain key never changes.The NNS instructs nodes to join and leave subnets, and to form new subnets. The cryptography and protocols work in a clever way, such that even though nodes come and go from subnet blockchains, their chain keys always stay the same.On the Internet Computer, developers build using “canister” smart contracts. They are referred to as canisters, because they are bundles of WebAssembly bytecode, and persistent memory pages. The bytecode implements the logic of the smart contract, and it runs exclusively in its own memory, interacting with other smart contracts using message passing (using a software “actor” model). This makes it possible to run smart contracts in parallel, which is another way the Internet Computer scales.Canister smart contracts are very powerful, and can be used to build anything. For example, multi-block transactions (computations) are possible, along with daemon smart contracts, which are automatically invoked periodically by the blockchain.The main languages used for developing Internet Computer smart contracts are Rust and Motoko. Motoko is a language created by DFINITY specifically for the Internet Computer, which was developed by a team led by Andreas Rossberg, who was the co-inventor of the WebAssembly standard.The best way to understand how the Internet Computer works, and the range of unique capabilities it provides, is to visit, and Created the Internet Computer?The Internet Computer blockchain was developed by the DFINITY Foundation, headquartered in Zürich, Switzerland, which runs R&D centers in Switzerland and California, and remote teams worldwide. By mid-2022, DFINITY employed almost 300 people, primarily in R&D. The team includes many famous cryptographers, computer science researchers and engineers.The DFINITY Foundation was founded in Switzerland in October 2016 to organize development of the Internet Computer blockchain. The name DFINITY is a shortening of “decentralized infinity,” and dates from early 2015. It was first used by project founder, Dominic Williams, to refer to his theoretical crypto work, which he hoped would make a World Computer possible.In February 2017, the DFINITY Foundation ran an early public ICO to raise funds to scale out. This was then supplemented by private fundraising rounds in 2018, which raised money from more than 100 hedge funds and VCs, including well-known names such as Andreessen Horowitz, before the advent of a16z crypto.Where to Buy Internet Computer(ICP)?Internet Computer is available at a variety of crypto exchanges such as:BinanceCoinbaseHuobi GlobalOKXWhat Are Some Prominent Projects In The Internet Computer Ecosystem?A Web3 enablerImagine creating a group chat to organize your next vacation with friends, playing a social game, or interacting with photos and videos uploaded by your crush – social networks are now part of everyday life. However, they pose numerous privacy issues for users, share sensitive information with corporations, and often overwhelm users with advertisements. When you sign-up, you are asked to agree to general terms and conditions, but you cannot influence how your data is used, or what features the services provide.Web3 has the potential to fundamentally update this old formula. A true World Computer can be used to build anything in a totally decentralized way, including demanding services like social networks. Whereas before blockchains could only be used to build web3 services in conjunction with traditional IT, such as cloud computing services, a World Computer blockchain makes it possible to build services that run entirely on blockchain. This makes it possible to assign control of these services to community DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations). These play the role of digital democracies in cypherspace that mediate the wishes of their online communities regarding economic matters, and how to update and configure the services.In this new formula, users are becoming both owners of web3 services and also part of the team that runs them – for example by referring other users, to drive viral growth, or helping with important tasks such as content moderation. Because web3 services running on the blockchain under the control of a DAO are fully decentralized, just like a blockchain, they can also tokenize, just like a blockchain. For example, a web3 service might airdrop the DAO’s governance tokens to users that help out, or enable users to send satoshis with a chat message.Services like this are already being built today on the Internet Computer blockchain, which has provided the World Computer capabilities and functionality necessary. The aim is to transform the entire internet ecosystem.World Computer FunctionalityThe purpose of the Internet Computer blockchain is to add World Computer functionality to the public internet. On the Internet Computer, developers can build decentralized online systems and services entirely on the blockchain, without using centralized traditional IT.Because the Internet Computer is a blockchain, developers build online systems and services using “smart contract” software. Using smart contracts in this application can provide game-changing advantages. For example, because smart contracts are tamperproof, just like the Bitcoin ledger, systems and services do not have to be protected by firewalls to keep the hackers out – solving for the increasing number of hacks afflicting business and society. Another advantage is that web3 services built on the Internet Computer can process tokens, and create new economic rails. For example, web3 can combine social media and DeFi, to produce SocialFi, such as a social network that is fully tokenized.The Internet Computer provides “canister” smart contract functionality. These can do many new things, including serving interactive web experiences directly to users by processing HTTP requests, creating transactions that directly run on other blockchains using “Chain Key TX”, scaling without limit, and running with efficiency comparable to traditional IT, greatly reducing the harmful CO2 emissions caused by blockchain, and one day, the tech ecosystem generally.Web3 developers can build DeFi, SocialFi, GameFi and metaverse services. They can process tokens on other blockchains, without bridges, using Chain Key TX. And they can full decentralize systems such as DeFi on Ethereum, by using the Internet Computer to create the interactive web experience, in place of centralized traditional IT, such as cloud computing services.On the Internet Computer, canister smart contracts uniquely pay for their own computation using a “reverse gas” model. This means web3 users can create sessions with services, which can submit vast numbers of blockchain transactions, such as sending chat messages in a conversation, without requiring additional interaction from the user.The Internet Computer supports a new blockchain authentication system called Internet Identity. This allows users to use their devices as cryptographic passwords, signing in to online services using the fingerprint sensor on their laptop or Face ID on their phone, as well as traditional devices like a Ledger wallet.Because web3 services can be built 100% on the blockchain, they can be placed under the full control of community DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations), which perform all configurations and updates. Users can be made owners of online services, and part of the team that runs them.The Internet Computer network is controlled by an advanced DAO that is integrated into its protocols, called the Network Nervous System, or NNS. This updates the replica (or “client”) software that runs on the dedicated node machines that host the blockchain on an almost weekly basis, driving the rapid evolution of the network.DeFiNext-generation decentralized exchanges such as Sonic, InfinitySwap, and ICPSwap, running entirely on-chain, are leveraging the Internet Computer’s reverse-gas model and 1 second transaction finality to give users zero gas fees and lightning fast speed for swaps, transactions, and more.NFTsThe lead artist behind the Bored Ape Yacht Club collection, debuted a new collection of NFTs on the Internet Computer at Art Basel, “The new series is hosted on the Internet Computer… allowing for bigger file sizes. It's an example of how artists are starting to experiment with NFT platforms beyond Ethereum.”ORIGYN, a NFT marketplace building on the Internet Computer, saw its valuation soar to $300 million following a round of investment from Paris Hilton and Wall Street veteran Bill Ackman.GamesCubetopia merges Minecraft and World of Warcraft. Create your own island and share it with the world via a unique URL.MetaSports Basketball is an open basketball metaverse, where users utilize their favorite Ethereum and Internet Computer-based NFTs to compete to become basketball superstars on teams they own and manage.SocialOpenChat boasts 100,000 users, with close to 1 million messages sent over its decentralized messaging service.Distrikt, a decentralized Facebook, surpassed 70,000 user accounts and 100,000 posts — with less than $100 spent on gas.Dmail is the Web3 replacement for e-mail, and enables users to send and receive blockchain-backed, encrypted messages.DSocial is a decentralized version of YouTube, enabling content creators to be fairly rewarded via tokens for their work, and engagement.DSCVR, a Web3 take on Reddit, secured $9 million seed funding in a round led by Polychain Capital in July 2022. DSCVR already boasts over 100,000 users and over a million posts and comments.MetaversePokedStudios launched the Bots NFT collection in an early foray into the metaverse on the Internet Computer, with the rarest Bot netting a sale of 3,000 ICP (~$172,140).IC Gallery is an interoperable 3D metaverse blending GameFi and DeFi, where users can play, mint, and trade all their existing NFTs through various immersive 3D experiences.Shiku Metaverse, planned to launch in 2023, will consist of 100 unique planets and will be fully integrated with Yumi NFT Marketplace.          Popular Tokens on the ICP ChainWindoge98EXE¥3.112.01%最常浏览的加密货币CatgirlCATGIRL¥0.0000000065223.54%neversolNEVER¥0.00294842.25%RichQUACK.comQUACK¥0.000000010166.21%EGOEGO¥0.60758.68%EggdogEGG¥0.0519428.69%ArtradeATR¥0.0893323.97%Baby ElonBABYELON¥0.0000000000843316.71%OpSecOPSEC¥13.396.67%WavesWAVES¥30.617.82%ApeWifHatAPEWIFHAT¥0.000001139640.66%CardanoADA¥5.351.38%NvirWorldNVIR¥0.09518.41%CzolanaCZOL¥0.0055691.80%BitcoinBTC¥509,559.533.57%Baby SoraBABYSORA¥0.000000000012020.08%MinuMINU¥0.0000045460.52%Script NetworkSCPT¥0.39667.91%Bonk 2.0BONK2.0¥0.00000032672.36%Super TrumpSTRUMP¥0.0963621.60%Shiba InuSHIB¥0.0002310.20%全球 价格ICP/USDUnited States Dollar$13.80ICP/CNYChinese Yuan¥99.29大家还在看GoldMint$0.033393.37%Band Protocol$2.61.79%Uniswap$13.821.63%Firo$2.266.10%Chainlink$21.183.63%Oasis Network$0.16572.20%Blocknet$$9,893.473.03%Solar$0.52224.03%MahaDAO$2.041.84%热门Aevo$3.015.51%SOHOTRN$0.00140873.09%Waves$4.267.38%Pepe$0.0000098478.89%Super Trump$0.013717.84%Internet Computer实时行情Internet Computer 今日价格 为 ¥99.29 CNY,其 24 小时的交易量为 ¥1,679,712,008 CNY。 我们会实时更新ICP兑换为CNY的价格。 Internet Computer 在过去 24 小时内下跌了 3.81。 目前的 CoinMarketCap 排名为第 #21 位,其市值为 ¥45,719,042,631 CNY。 其流通供给量为 460,462,408 ICP 个货币 目前无法提供供给量上限信息。目前 Internet Computer 交易量最大的平台为 Binance, Zedxion Exchange, OKX, Bybit, 和 。 您可以在我们的 查找其他上市资产。加密货币代币Internet Computer产品CMC LabsChatGPT PluginCrypto API加密货币指数网站涂鸦站点地图广告公司关于我们服务协议隐私政策Cookie preferencesCookie 政策社区规则免责声明方法论加入我们招聘中!支持申请表联系我们常见问题解答词汇表社交媒体X (Twitter)社区TelegramInstagramFacebookRedditTelegram© 2024 CoinMarketCap. 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